How To Untangle Yarn? Tips & Tricks

You have a new project idea you're excited to put to work. You quickly grab your knitting tools and head over to your yarn drawer.

You take a glimpse, and the shining lightbulb above your head goes blank. Your smile fades and turns into a stressed frown.

Tangled yarn, and there's a lot of it.

When dealing with yarn, one of the most common & irritating situations you may come across is tangled yarn. It's a problem many knitters and hobby enthusiasts can come across.  It's annoying, time-consuming, and a blockage for your creativity.


I've developed some tips and tricks for you.

Here's how to untangle your yarn!

How To Untangle Yarn?

1. Don't pull too tightly, keep the yarn loose for room to untangle

This a simple standard rule when trying to deal with tangled yarn. You never wanna pull too tightly as it could create more knots, making the yarn harder to untangle. You always wanna make sure the yarn is loose enough so you can move strands freely.

2. Look for the yarn ends

See if you can try to find the yarn ends. When doing so, it will make the job definitely easier for you. As you can just take the end and then start rolling it into a ball, going through the nooks and crannies. 

3. Try using your knitting tools to separate the yarn

Laying the yarn on a flat surface and using your tools could help you untangle it. Use your crochet hooks or needles to separate the yarn strand by strand. Loosen the knots if needed with needles.

4. Cutting will not help

Cutting the yarn will not help. Cutting doesn't untangle any knots or help undo loops. Do not cut at all, and if you feel the need to do so please take a mindful break. The only exception to cutting is if you're okay with two skeins


How To Prevent Tangles?

You may be asking, how do you prevent tangles? Simple: 

  • Yarn Bowl
  • Store yarn in yarn bags, containers, bottles, and baskets (make sure there is an area or hole for your thread to go through).
  • Roll skeins into yarn balls

Following these methods will provide you with some leverage when dealing with tangled yarn. As common as this problem may be, it's always good to take a step back if it's causing you too much frustration. Go for a walk, take a break, run some errands, etc. 

All in all, these are some methods I have provided in order to help you.

Always remember, sometimes it's best to save you from stress. It's okay to throw it out and buy another one.


I hope these tips & tricks helped you!
